Absolute speed. Absolute accuracy. Absolute mobility.
This system provides a complete solution for high-speed dynamic measurements with probes and scanners in six degrees of freedom and automated 7 DoF real-time control systems, making it the ideal solution for applications in aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, manufacturing and many other industries.
Measuring volume 3D: 160 m
measuring volume 6DoF: 40 m
Accuracy: U(x,y,z) = +/- 15 µm + 6µm/m
Distance accuracy AIFM: +/- 0.5 µm/m
angular accuracy: +/- 15 µm + 6µm/m
Dynamic target detection: +/- 10 µm
Typical rotation accuracy: +/- 0.01°.
Rotation angle accuracy <5 microseconds